XIV Florence Biennale
It is a great pleasure to let you know that I'll be one of the selected artists participating in the prestigious XIV Florence Biennale, which will take place from 14 untill 22 October 2023, Fortezza da Basso in Florence (Italy).
The theme 'I AM YOU' will focus on the concepts of individual and collective identities, in their multiple philosophical, psychological, sociological and cultural meanings.
Participating artists and designers in the XIV Florence Biennale are invited to propose their own interpretation of the concepts of individual and collective identity, with the aim of nurturing a dialogue based on mutual recognition, mutual understanding and cultural exchange. A dialogue oriented towards a future to be built around a common feeling, far from closed individualisms and exasperated contrasts that generate conflicts and humiliations: a future based on harmony, peace and the elevation of the human race, in which the free expression of the ego is accompanied by the awareness that others are part of us and that each of us is part of the whole.
I am You
Precisely in this perspective, the title 'I Am You' was chosen, with the intention of underlining the importance of putting yourself in the shoes of others and evoking, albeit in the differences that distinguish us, that common feeling that unites people instead of dividing them.
Personal and collective identities, cultural, religious and territorial identities, gender identities, multiple identities, fluid identities: no perspective or possibility is excluded in the labyrinth of the identification processes and ultimately self-awareness on which we intend to shed light thanks to the numerous artistic contributions that will give life to the XIV Florence Biennale.
Subscribe to our newsletter to keep informed about my works, which will take part into this event!
André Romijn