
Exposition at the Portrait Painting Gallery

Exposition at the Portrait Painting Gallery

There’s no place like home

Dutch Domesticity around 1900

Exposition at the Portrait Painting Gallery, Via Borgo 28, 55051 Barga, Italia.

Start from 8th April 2023 and will continue during the Summer months. Free entrance!


Daily scenes in the houses of families in Volendam and elsewhere in the Netherlands

From 8th April onwards the Portrait Painting Gallery in Barga, Tuscany, welcomes you with a special exposition titled 'There’s no place like home - Dutch Domesticity around 1900'. Eight impressive photogravures of the Dutch artist Jozef Israëls and seven selected works by Ferdinand Schmutzer will be the core of this exposition, which gives you a glimpse of daily scenes in the houses of families in Volendam and elsewhere in the Netherlands, more than hundred years ago. One of the art styles in fashion was 'Realism'.

Realist paintings depicted people of all classes in situations that arise in ordinary life, and often reflected the changes brought by the Industrial revolution. Realism is widely regarded as the movement due to the push to incorporate modern life and art together. The popularity of such realistic works grew with the introduction of photography. This new technique created a desire for people to produce representations which look objectively real.

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