Danae after Anthony van Dyck by Johann Georg Weinhold
Danae lying naked on a bed, as her maid holds up a sheet to protect her from the shower of gold coins descending from top left, Cupid seated on the bed at right and examining two of the coins; after Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641), by Johann Georg Weinhold (1813-1880)
Printed an published by: Franz Hanfstängl
Royal Collection
This is from Franz Hanfstängl's publication in three volumes of around 200 lithograph reproductions of the most important paintings from the Royal Collection in Dresden, published in Dresden in 1836 (although some plates are dated between 1835 and 1840): "Die Vorzüglichsten Gemälde Der Königlichen Galerie In Dresden nach Den Originalen Auf Stein Gezeichnet. Nebst Erklärungen In Historischer Und Artistischer Hinsicht In Deutscher Und Französischer Sprache Von G.J.A. Frenzel, Vorsteher Der Königl. Galerie Der Kupferstiche und Handzeichnungen Zu Dresden, Ehrenmitglied Der Kaiserl. Academie Der Künste Zu St. Petersburg. Herausgegeben Von Franz Hanfstaengl"; also titled in French as "Les Principaux Tableaux De La Galerie Royale De Dresde Lithographiés D'Après Les Originaux".
Most plates are lithographed by Hanfstängl but some are made by other printmakers. The work is dedicated to Friedrich August II, King of Saxony.
Condition is good. Some surface dirt. Some folds and creases. Some foxing.
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