From April onwards The Portrait Painting Gallery in Barga, Tuscany, Italy will open her doors. All news about our Gallery will be featured exclusively on this website. If you don’t want to miss any offers and other news, please subscribe here to our free newsletter! Look forward seeing you soon in The Portrait Painting Gallery!
Italian award for artist André Romijn ART NOW , an Palermo based Italian Art magazine, establishes the ‘Artista dell’Anno – Creatività, Palermo Artexpo 2020’ (Artist of the Year Award – Creativity, Palermo Artexpo). An award that will be dedicated every year to illustrious personalities from the world of art and culture, who thanks to their works have contributed, in the year 2020, to enrich the national artistic heritage. A great artistic event designed to offer the artist admitted to the […]
This video shows a sample of figurative artist André Romijn’s original artwork as featured on this website.